Reverse Code Engineering RCE CD +sandman 2000
Turbo Pascal V7
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Text File
584 lines
{ }
{ Turbo Pascal Version 7.0 }
{ Turbo Vision Unit }
{ }
{ Copyright (c) 1991,92 Borland International }
{ }
unit Views;
uses Objects, Drivers, Memory;
{ TView State masks }
sfVisible = $0001;
sfCursorVis = $0002;
sfCursorIns = $0004;
sfShadow = $0008;
sfActive = $0010;
sfSelected = $0020;
sfFocused = $0040;
sfDragging = $0080;
sfDisabled = $0100;
sfModal = $0200;
sfDefault = $0400;
sfExposed = $0800;
{ TView Option masks }
ofSelectable = $0001;
ofTopSelect = $0002;
ofFirstClick = $0004;
ofFramed = $0008;
ofPreProcess = $0010;
ofPostProcess = $0020;
ofBuffered = $0040;
ofTileable = $0080;
ofCenterX = $0100;
ofCenterY = $0200;
ofCentered = $0300;
ofValidate = $0400;
ofVersion = $3000;
ofVersion10 = $0000;
ofVersion20 = $1000;
{ TView GrowMode masks }
gfGrowLoX = $01;
gfGrowLoY = $02;
gfGrowHiX = $04;
gfGrowHiY = $08;
gfGrowAll = $0F;
gfGrowRel = $10;
{ TView DragMode masks }
dmDragMove = $01;
dmDragGrow = $02;
dmLimitLoX = $10;
dmLimitLoY = $20;
dmLimitHiX = $40;
dmLimitHiY = $80;
dmLimitAll = $F0;
{ TView Help context codes }
hcNoContext = 0;
hcDragging = 1;
{ TScrollBar part codes }
sbLeftArrow = 0;
sbRightArrow = 1;
sbPageLeft = 2;
sbPageRight = 3;
sbUpArrow = 4;
sbDownArrow = 5;
sbPageUp = 6;
sbPageDown = 7;
sbIndicator = 8;
{ TScrollBar options for TWindow.StandardScrollBar }
sbHorizontal = $0000;
sbVertical = $0001;
sbHandleKeyboard = $0002;
{ TWindow Flags masks }
wfMove = $01;
wfGrow = $02;
wfClose = $04;
wfZoom = $08;
{ TWindow number constants }
wnNoNumber = 0;
{ TWindow palette entries }
wpBlueWindow = 0;
wpCyanWindow = 1;
wpGrayWindow = 2;
{ Standard command codes }
cmValid = 0;
cmQuit = 1;
cmError = 2;
cmMenu = 3;
cmClose = 4;
cmZoom = 5;
cmResize = 6;
cmNext = 7;
cmPrev = 8;
cmHelp = 9;
{ Application command codes }
cmCut = 20;
cmCopy = 21;
cmPaste = 22;
cmUndo = 23;
cmClear = 24;
cmTile = 25;
cmCascade = 26;
{ TDialog standard commands }
cmOK = 10;
cmCancel = 11;
cmYes = 12;
cmNo = 13;
cmDefault = 14;
{ Standard messages }
cmReceivedFocus = 50;
cmReleasedFocus = 51;
cmCommandSetChanged = 52;
{ TScrollBar messages }
cmScrollBarChanged = 53;
cmScrollBarClicked = 54;
{ TWindow select messages }
cmSelectWindowNum = 55;
{ TListViewer messages }
cmListItemSelected = 56;
{ Color palettes }
CFrame = #1#1#2#2#3;
CScrollBar = #4#5#5;
CScroller = #6#7;
CListViewer = #26#26#27#28#29;
CBlueWindow = #8#9#10#11#12#13#14#15;
CCyanWindow = #16#17#18#19#20#21#22#23;
CGrayWindow = #24#25#26#27#28#29#30#31;
{ TDrawBuffer maximum view width }
MaxViewWidth = 132;
{ Command sets }
PCommandSet = ^TCommandSet;
TCommandSet = set of Byte;
{ Color palette type }
PPalette = ^TPalette;
TPalette = String;
{ TDrawBuffer, buffer used by draw methods }
TDrawBuffer = array[0..MaxViewWidth - 1] of Word;
{ TView object Pointer }
PView = ^TView;
{ TGroup object Pointer }
PGroup = ^TGroup;
{ TView object }
TView = object(TObject)
Owner: PGroup;
Next: PView;
Origin: TPoint;
Size: TPoint;
Cursor: TPoint;
GrowMode: Byte;
DragMode: Byte;
HelpCtx: Word;
State: Word;
Options: Word;
EventMask: Word;
constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect);
constructor Load(var S: TStream);
destructor Done; virtual;
procedure Awaken; virtual;
procedure BlockCursor;
procedure CalcBounds(var Bounds: TRect; Delta: TPoint); virtual;
procedure ChangeBounds(var Bounds: TRect); virtual;
procedure ClearEvent(var Event: TEvent);
function CommandEnabled(Command: Word): Boolean;
function DataSize: Word; virtual;
procedure DisableCommands(Commands: TCommandSet);
procedure DragView(Event: TEvent; Mode: Byte;
var Limits: TRect; MinSize, MaxSize: TPoint);
procedure Draw; virtual;
procedure DrawView;
procedure EnableCommands(Commands: TCommandSet);
procedure EndModal(Command: Word); virtual;
function EventAvail: Boolean;
function Execute: Word; virtual;
function Exposed: Boolean;
function Focus: Boolean;
procedure GetBounds(var Bounds: TRect);
procedure GetClipRect(var Clip: TRect);
function GetColor(Color: Word): Word;
procedure GetCommands(var Commands: TCommandSet);
procedure GetData(var Rec); virtual;
procedure GetEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual;
procedure GetExtent(var Extent: TRect);
function GetHelpCtx: Word; virtual;
function GetPalette: PPalette; virtual;
procedure GetPeerViewPtr(var S: TStream; var P);
function GetState(AState: Word): Boolean;
procedure GrowTo(X, Y: Integer);
procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual;
procedure Hide;
procedure HideCursor;
procedure KeyEvent(var Event: TEvent);
procedure Locate(var Bounds: TRect);
procedure MakeFirst;
procedure MakeGlobal(Source: TPoint; var Dest: TPoint);
procedure MakeLocal(Source: TPoint; var Dest: TPoint);
function MouseEvent(var Event: TEvent; Mask: Word): Boolean;
function MouseInView(Mouse: TPoint): Boolean;
procedure MoveTo(X, Y: Integer);
function NextView: PView;
procedure NormalCursor;
function Prev: PView;
function PrevView: PView;
procedure PutEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual;
procedure PutInFrontOf(Target: PView);
procedure PutPeerViewPtr(var S: TStream; P: PView);
procedure Select;
procedure SetBounds(var Bounds: TRect);
procedure SetCommands(Commands: TCommandSet);
procedure SetCmdState(Commands: TCommandSet; Enable: Boolean);
procedure SetCursor(X, Y: Integer);
procedure SetData(var Rec); virtual;
procedure SetState(AState: Word; Enable: Boolean); virtual;
procedure Show;
procedure ShowCursor;
procedure SizeLimits(var Min, Max: TPoint); virtual;
procedure Store(var S: TStream);
function TopView: PView;
function Valid(Command: Word): Boolean; virtual;
procedure WriteBuf(X, Y, W, H: Integer; var Buf);
procedure WriteChar(X, Y: Integer; C: Char; Color: Byte;
Count: Integer);
procedure WriteLine(X, Y, W, H: Integer; var Buf);
procedure WriteStr(X, Y: Integer; Str: String; Color: Byte);
{ TFrame types }
TTitleStr = string[80];
{ TFrame object }
{ Palette layout }
{ 1 = Passive frame }
{ 2 = Passive title }
{ 3 = Active frame }
{ 4 = Active title }
{ 5 = Icons }
PFrame = ^TFrame;
TFrame = object(TView)
constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect);
procedure Draw; virtual;
function GetPalette: PPalette; virtual;
procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual;
procedure SetState(AState: Word; Enable: Boolean); virtual;
{ ScrollBar characters }
TScrollChars = array[0..4] of Char;
{ TScrollBar object }
{ Palette layout }
{ 1 = Page areas }
{ 2 = Arrows }
{ 3 = Indicator }
PScrollBar = ^TScrollBar;
TScrollBar = object(TView)
Value: Integer;
Min: Integer;
Max: Integer;
PgStep: Integer;
ArStep: Integer;
constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect);
constructor Load(var S: TStream);
procedure Draw; virtual;
function GetPalette: PPalette; virtual;
procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual;
procedure ScrollDraw; virtual;
function ScrollStep(Part: Integer): Integer; virtual;
procedure SetParams(AValue, AMin, AMax, APgStep, AArStep: Integer);
procedure SetRange(AMin, AMax: Integer);
procedure SetStep(APgStep, AArStep: Integer);
procedure SetValue(AValue: Integer);
procedure Store(var S: TStream);
{ TScroller object }
{ Palette layout }
{ 1 = Normal text }
{ 2 = Selected text }
PScroller = ^TScroller;
TScroller = object(TView)
HScrollBar: PScrollBar;
VScrollBar: PScrollBar;
Delta: TPoint;
Limit: TPoint;
constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect; AHScrollBar, AVScrollBar: PScrollBar);
constructor Load(var S: TStream);
procedure ChangeBounds(var Bounds: TRect); virtual;
function GetPalette: PPalette; virtual;
procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual;
procedure ScrollDraw; virtual;
procedure ScrollTo(X, Y: Integer);
procedure SetLimit(X, Y: Integer);
procedure SetState(AState: Word; Enable: Boolean); virtual;
procedure Store(var S: TStream);
{ TListViewer }
{ Palette layout }
{ 1 = Active }
{ 2 = Inactive }
{ 3 = Focused }
{ 4 = Selected }
{ 5 = Divider }
PListViewer = ^TListViewer;
TListViewer = object(TView)
HScrollBar: PScrollBar;
VScrollBar: PScrollBar;
NumCols: Integer;
TopItem: Integer;
Focused: Integer;
Range: Integer;
constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect; ANumCols: Word;
AHScrollBar, AVScrollBar: PScrollBar);
constructor Load(var S: TStream);
procedure ChangeBounds(var Bounds: TRect); virtual;
procedure Draw; virtual;
procedure FocusItem(Item: Integer); virtual;
function GetPalette: PPalette; virtual;
function GetText(Item: Integer; MaxLen: Integer): String; virtual;
function IsSelected(Item: Integer): Boolean; virtual;
procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual;
procedure SelectItem(Item: Integer); virtual;
procedure SetRange(ARange: Integer);
procedure SetState(AState: Word; Enable: Boolean); virtual;
procedure Store(var S: TStream);
{ Video buffer }
PVideoBuf = ^TVideoBuf;
TVideoBuf = array[0..3999] of Word;
{ Selection modes }
SelectMode = (NormalSelect, EnterSelect, LeaveSelect);
{ TGroup object }
TGroup = object(TView)
Last: PView;
Current: PView;
Phase: (phFocused, phPreProcess, phPostProcess);
Buffer: PVideoBuf;
constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect);
constructor Load(var S: TStream);
destructor Done; virtual;
procedure Awaken; virtual;
procedure ChangeBounds(var Bounds: TRect); virtual;
function DataSize: Word; virtual;
procedure Delete(P: PView);
procedure Draw; virtual;
procedure EndModal(Command: Word); virtual;
procedure EventError(var Event: TEvent); virtual;
function ExecView(P: PView): Word;
function Execute: Word; virtual;
function First: PView;
function FirstThat(P: Pointer): PView;
function FocusNext(Forwards: Boolean): Boolean;
procedure ForEach(P: Pointer);
procedure GetData(var Rec); virtual;
function GetHelpCtx: Word; virtual;
procedure GetSubViewPtr(var S: TStream; var P);
procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual;
procedure Insert(P: PView);
procedure InsertBefore(P, Target: PView);
procedure Lock;
procedure PutSubViewPtr(var S: TStream; P: PView);
procedure Redraw;
procedure SelectNext(Forwards: Boolean);
procedure SetData(var Rec); virtual;
procedure SetState(AState: Word; Enable: Boolean); virtual;
procedure Store(var S: TStream);
procedure Unlock;
function Valid(Command: Word): Boolean; virtual;
{ TWindow object }
{ Palette layout }
{ 1 = Frame passive }
{ 2 = Frame active }
{ 3 = Frame icon }
{ 4 = ScrollBar page area }
{ 5 = ScrollBar controls }
{ 6 = Scroller normal text }
{ 7 = Scroller selected text }
{ 8 = Reserved }
PWindow = ^TWindow;
TWindow = object(TGroup)
Flags: Byte;
ZoomRect: TRect;
Number: Integer;
Palette: Integer;
Frame: PFrame;
Title: PString;
constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect; ATitle: TTitleStr; ANumber: Integer);
constructor Load(var S: TStream);
destructor Done; virtual;
procedure Close; virtual;
function GetPalette: PPalette; virtual;
function GetTitle(MaxSize: Integer): TTitleStr; virtual;
procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual;
procedure InitFrame; virtual;
procedure SetState(AState: Word; Enable: Boolean); virtual;
procedure SizeLimits(var Min, Max: TPoint); virtual;
function StandardScrollBar(AOptions: Word): PScrollBar;
procedure Store(var S: TStream);
procedure Zoom; virtual;
{ Message dispatch function }
function Message(Receiver: PView; What, Command: Word;
InfoPtr: Pointer): Pointer;
{ Views registration procedure }
procedure RegisterViews;
{ Event masks }
PositionalEvents: Word = evMouse;
FocusedEvents: Word = evKeyboard + evCommand;
{ Minimum window size }
MinWinSize: TPoint = (X: 16; Y: 6);
{ Shadow definitions }
ShadowSize: TPoint = (X: 2; Y: 1);
ShadowAttr: Byte = $08;
{ Markers control }
ShowMarkers: Boolean = False;
{ MapColor error return value }
ErrorAttr: Byte = $CF;
{ Stream Registration Records }
RView: TStreamRec = (
ObjType: 1;
VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TView)^);
Load: @TView.Load;
Store: @TView.Store
RFrame: TStreamRec = (
ObjType: 2;
VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TFrame)^);
Load: @TFrame.Load;
Store: @TFrame.Store
RScrollBar: TStreamRec = (
ObjType: 3;
VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TScrollBar)^);
Load: @TScrollBar.Load;
Store: @TScrollBar.Store
RScroller: TStreamRec = (
ObjType: 4;
VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TScroller)^);
Load: @TScroller.Load;
Store: @TScroller.Store
RListViewer: TStreamRec = (
ObjType: 5;
VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TListViewer)^);
Load: @TListViewer.Load;
Store: @TLIstViewer.Store
RGroup: TStreamRec = (
ObjType: 6;
VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TGroup)^);
Load: @TGroup.Load;
Store: @TGroup.Store
RWindow: TStreamRec = (
ObjType: 7;
VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TWindow)^);
Load: @TWindow.Load;
Store: @TWindow.Store
{ Characters used for drawing selected and default items in }
{ monochrome color sets }
SpecialChars: array[0..5] of Char = (#175, #174, #26, #27, ' ', ' ');
{ True if the command set has changed since being set to false }
CommandSetChanged: Boolean = False;